Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Don't Judge Challenge

Hi Everyone,

    Lately there seems to be a trend going around for challenges on the internet. The newest one is the Don't Judge Challenge with the hashtag, #don'tjudgechallenge, supposedly promoting self love and acceptance for other. I decided to create one of these video the way I think the challenge should actually have been done. Here it is:

We are living in a society where beauty is more important than many other things. Don't get me wrong. We should strive to be better for ourselves but not to impress others, and we sure shouldn't judge those who are different in any way from ourselves. Different should be embraced not try to be replaced or changed. 

Thank you for watching. Please share if you enjoyed this video! 


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why are you NOT motivated?

Hello All!!!

    There was so much promise in the month of January. Promise and excitement toward a new lifestyle, a new way of looking at food and fitness. Then came the beginning of February and although, not as motivated as in January, you still had a bit of gusto, ate well mostly and exercised at least once a week. Now, here we stand, at the end of February, and you hardly have any pep in your lifestyle and weight loss step.

   What went wrong?

   Where along the way did you lose your drive?

   Why are you not motivated?

   Before I address these questions, I want you to know, the purpose of this blog is to help guide you on the path of weight loss and aid in a lifestyle and health transformation.  And sometimes the best way to do that is with a dose of reality and truth, that most of the time, we don't want to hear...



   Why aren't you motivated?


   You don't want it badly enough!

  I know that sounds cruel but I am trying to help! This is the simple truth. In life you don't make changes unless you want them badly enough. Simple as that.

   Now, you may be thinking to yourself that I am wrong, that you want this so badly. But do you? Really sit and think about it for just a minute. If you wanted this as badly as you say you do, would you be making the excuses you do on a daily basis? The, "Oh, I am tired so I am not going to work out today," and the, " One cupcake won't be that bad for me," or the, " I can eat a second helping of that pasta" excuse. All these things are just that, excuses, another way of saying we don't want it badly enough.

   The reason I say it the way I do, is because I am currently living it. My wedding is May 2nd. The date was just confirmed. I have my dress and have my FINAL dress fitting in ONE month. That's right. One month.... meaning I have one month to get in the best shape of my life for the one day I will be photographed more than any other day in my life. You would think that would be the ultimate motivation right???? So did I. But there is something holding me back from fully committing. As much as I say I WANT to look flawless on my wedding day, and how badly I want to lose another 10 pounds before the wedding. I don't want it badly enough. I think to myself that yes, I would love to lose those 10 pounds but if I don't, it really won't be that big of a deal because I think I look fine.

  There is nothing wrong with having those thoughts! I should be allowed to love myself and my imperfections but I should also learn to be honest with myself and in why I cannot find the motivation. Simply put, I don't want it badly enough. I don't have the same drive I did when I was 280 pounds. I have redirected my energy and motivation into maintaining my 140 pounds and frankly haven't fully made the commitment to losing the last 10 pounds.

   So, as much as I say yes, I want to lose that weight and NEED to get in shape for my wedding, at this moment, it is all talk because I haven't really committed myself to the cause.
    I know some of you are really not liking what I am saying because it is making you reflect on some of the choices you have made. And to that I say good. I am not trying to make you feel badly about the decisions you have made, strictly trying to get you to own them. Because the quicker you own them, the quicker you can get moving toward your goal and actually finding real motivation and staying motivated.

Some steps to help you find and KEEP yourself MOTIVATED!

Step 1.

Commit yourself:

  Don't just say it, just to say it... MEAN it.

Make a commitment, write it down, envision it and be ready to live it. Be realistic and realize this is going to be a journey, that you will not lose the weight over night and fully believe this is your next step, understand it means some sacrifices and if you can admit all of those things to yourself , that is when you are ready. Until you make the commitment. You will not lose any weight, or get healthy.

Step 2.


 Find what INSPIRES you to lose weight!

   It can be anything you want it to be! Anything from, you wanting to fit in your old size four jeans to you wanting to be able to go up the stairs without getting out of breath, to wanting to run with your toddler!

   But whatever you do, be HONEST with yourself. If your real reason to want to lose weight is to look hot and sexy, OWN it. If it is to improve your marriage, OWN it, if it is so that you can walk into a room and feel confident, OWN it. But whatever you do, do not falsify your inspiration. Don't say you are losing weight for your children, if you are doing it to be a hot mom, both are great. OWN your inspiration because ultimately; it has to be about what really inspires YOU that helps you move forward, especially when times get hard.

   Find your inspiration and GO WITH IT!

   Write it down on a sticky note and stick it to your mirror, your dash board, your computer screen, your shower door, make it your cell phone wallpaper, stick it on your refrigerator, ANYWHERE you will be able to see it and remember what your reason, inspiration and your original motivation is!!

Step 3.


Do you ever wonder why programs like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and more are so popular and have proven themselves to work??


   Those programs hold you accountable. You have someone to check into, you have to track your progress whether good or bad. You have to go to a meeting and be seen. Most of the time there is a fee.

   All those things hold you accountable to more than just yourself. They give you more of a sense of urgency to do well. To not disappoint others, beside yourself or to not lose the money you work so hard to earn. Those things have been proven to work time, and time again.

   If you don't want to join any programs and want to do it on your own. GREAT. But find something to hold you accountable. Tell your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, mother, daughter, son etc your weight. Make Monday your check in days and report your weight to them, wether good or bad. Uncomfortable??? YES! But that is the point . This will push you to do better and hold you accountable for your food and health decisions.

   Join some sort of a contest. A biggest loser contest at work or recruit a couple of friends and put money in a pot. Winner takes all.

   Those are just some ideas to help you stay accountable and thus helping you stay motivated.

   These are just three of my favorite steps to stay motivated, in what I know, can be a stressful and difficult process of losing weight and getting healthy. I am going to start applying them as of NOW and I hope you will with me! I wish you success!

If I could do it, so can you!

Thank you for reading,

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Year's Resolution Failure Resolved!

Hey there!!

  Happy New Year!

     The new year brings out the best in us! A fresh start, a new chance, a new year! Along with the New Year we have New Year's resolutions!

   What is a resolution?



a firm decision to do or not to do something.

    We almost all have them! They are almost always about self improvement and a good portion of them are to lose weight and get healthy! 

  But what happens along the road?? Why have most given up our resolutions by February??

      Today I want to share my top FIVE reasons why I believe our New Year' resolutions don't get met.


    We take on too many resolutions.

  Instead of a single resolution, we have many, many resolutions... I want to lose weight, get fit, eat healthy, stop smoking, get organized, be a morning person, stop drinking coffee, make partner, get a raise, get married, have a baby, win a Grammy, become a movie star, save money and look 10 years younger in 2015.


  YES, having goals is SUPER healthy, but putting too any things on your shoulders all at once can lead to feeling inadequate and make you hide from the things you are trying to achieve, rather than look forward to tackling them.

  Try focusing on achieving one or two goals at a time. That way, you can truly master those things you are actively working on. Making it a pleasurable experience versus a failure.

  Again, I am NOT saying having dreams and goals are a bad thing but the MORE you tackle at one time the LESS time you have to devote to each of your goals and have LESS time for a balanced life.

    We want instant results.

  Let's take a moment to admit that we, for the most part, as a society, have VERY LITTLE PATIENCE... We want it NOW... I want my coffee now, I want my food fast, I want my Facebook page to load in less than a second, I want to my waist line shrink by tomorrow, let's stream that movie instantly.

  We want it NOW! Right NOW!

  We especially want it with weight loss. Funny, it takes us, months, years, life times to put ON weight but we magically expect it to FALL off. And so we get discouraged, when the weight is slow to come off, and when the progress takes time to see, so we stop trying. Because for whatever reason, slow progress is not better than NO progress in our eyes.

  We have to learn to be patient with our weight loss journey. SLOW progress is better than NO progress any day of the week! The time will pass regardless! So why not just KEEP GOING?


    We aren't really committed. 

  This is a hard one to admit to our selves. We aren't really committed. We DO want to lose weight, we DO want to look better, we DO want to feel better, but we DON'T really want to do the work. We AREN'T really ready to commit. We aren't ready to change our lifestyle.

   I am NOT trying to discourage you, but rather get you to realize, WHY are you wanting to lose weight? Is it because you REALLY feel like now is the time?? And if you do feel like NOW is the time, are you really wanting to COMMIT to this change??? That my friends is the first step. You need to commit to this change and realize it is going to be hard but you are willing to do it for your self anyway!


    We put too much pressure on JANUARY 1st. 

   I get it, New year, New you! And in theory, that's a great attitude to have! But stop putting so much pressure on January 1st! It is just another day! Yes, it is the beginning of the year! And yes there is something renewing about a new year and a new start but if you fail on January 2nd, you don't have to wait until January 1st of 2016 to restart! YOU have the ability to change your life any day of the year! And trust me, a year from the date you didn't start you'd be wishing you started then!

   Do you know that if you were JUST to lose ONE pound a week.... You would lose 52 pounds in ONE YEAR! I know, you are thinking, "Wow, thanks for stating the obvious". But IS it that obvious??? Then why are you sad when you lose a pound a week? Why do you feel it's not enough?

   Let's stop putting so much pressure on January 1st and our selves to have instant life changes. Life takes work! Let's move forward regardless what day it is! And be able to truly live our lives moving forward!


      Be Prepared!

   Ok, you are pumped up! You plan to go to the gym and eat healthy, and weigh your self and measure your inches and track your calories every day. But then life happens! You skipped a work out, forgot your lunch and had to eat something unexpected, you didn't bring your phone to track your calories.

  Listen, I know so many of these ads on TV, online, in magazines, make us feel so awful by posting,

   "What's your excuse??????" LIFE, That is my excuse!

   Things happen. You get sick, your car breaks, it rains, you run out of money, your phone dies, your scale breaks, etc. Life happens. And that's the point!
   Life DOES happen... so don't let it discourage you! Have a back up plan! Be prepared! Be prepared that life is going to happen, but how are you going to REACT to those things? That is what is going to determine if you find success in weight loss and healthy living. How do you deal with over eating on Monday? Do you over eat on Tuesday or a choose a longer workout? Forgetting your phone so you can't track your calories one day doesn't mean you have to stop calculating them the rest of the week. Find ways around the things that tend to derail you from your goals.

  Be prepared for life, because things happen! It is how you react that determines your success!

   Now that it is almost Febuary, ask your self, "Have I given up on my New Year's resolution?" If the answer is yes, then take a step back to realize, your goals, they can be met, any minute of any day. Chose today to be the day you take back your life from your problems, from your high weight, from your poor health habits.

Thank you for reading!
  2011                                     2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Why are most men AFRAID of dating FAT girls?

Happy Friday!

    A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with a dear friend who mentioned I was lucky to have found someone like my boyfriend who loved me before I lost the weight, that it was a way to know he truly cared for me. The conversation continued to it being some what of a testament to his character. It got me to thinking of the many times friends and I could hear negative commentary from the table next to us about our weight, by the same men, who later couldn't wait to try to get us to go on a "date", as long as his friends weren't looking. Then I asked myself the question, "Why are most men afraid of dating FAT girls??"

   Before I get into this subject I want to remind everyone these are MY opinions. The views I have come to understand and believe and think throughout my life and as a former FAT girl. They in no way encapsulate everyone, every FAT girls emotions or man's perspective. Ok, now that that's out of the way.

Why are most men AFRAID of dating FAT girls??

   I couldn't tell you the amount of times a man would be staring at me, smiling at me, secretly be interested in me, while I could hear the, oh so witty ridicule, that very guy's friends were cackling about my friend's and my weight at the table across from us; all this, while he joined along with the laughter and hurtful comments. Yet, somehow managed to "accidentally" bump into me by the bathroom and express how, "oh so beautiful", I was and how he would love to take me out on a "date". And by date, he meant somewhere private with minimal people and no chance in hell of running into his friends.

   You would be ASTONISHED by how many times this has happened and continues to happen to FAT girls!!

So again, I ask myself, WHY?

Why are most men AFRAID of dating FAT girls?

   It all, again in my opinion, is a giant circle fed by society and media. It starts... media depicts skinny as sexy and fat as ugly, society accepts it as the normal, it leads to shaming those who are 1. FAT and 2. Find FAT girls attractive. Then, we as society start living that normal, it feeds into everything we see and do, and pretty soon it becomes an embarrassment to date a FAT girl.

   Most men are just embarrassed. Not all, some just genuinely don't find fat girls attractive, which is fine. But there are so many men out there who are embarrassed to like fat girls or any girl who isn't the "normal" picture of beauty, because they are embarrassed and afraid to then be ridiculed.

    It gets me to wonder is it because we make it somewhat acceptable to make fun of people who are different?? ... I mean it may not be "pc" to do so. You wouldn't go up to complete strangers and use "Wow that girl is SO FAT" as a conversation starter; but I would be almost willing to bet money, that all of us, at some point, have made at least ONE derogatory joke in expense of someone being different than ourselves or laughed at one that took place. And there you have it... 

   That is the circle. We fuel it regardless if it's intentional or not, we feed the right for men to be embarrassed to date FAT girls, because they are afraid of being JUDGED and we don't provide them with the tools necessary they need to overcome it. And, well, since most everyone look for acceptance in our lives from others, they rather not take the chance on following their true feelings.

    And unfortunately we as a society, don't help make it any better. This is what we have done to ourselves. We congratulate our sons when they have a crush and the first question we ask them, "Is she pretty??" This is innocent and cute at the time, but also planting the seed to the problem in the first place and starting the circle all over again. Because why couldn't we ask if she is , " Smart, kind, funny",  all before, if she is pretty?"

   We as women feed into it as well, striving for skinny versus healthy, sexy versus smart, hot versus kind, and why??? So that we can be accepted and feel good about ourselves? And how can I even write these words when I so often have BELIEVED that myself???

We have to STOP feeding the monster!!!!

   Stop feeding the monster that is media and society norms, STOP looking for the world's approval of our butt, our hair and our nails, our smiles and our EVERYTHING; understand, once in for all, that we are WORTH so much more!

   Why is it so much EASIER SAID THAN DONE?

    This should be life; we should wake up LOVING ourselves not judging ourselves. We should strive to be better because it would make us feel better for OURSELVES, not for others. If we can make, loving yourself for YOU, become the normal.  THAT very concept our loving ourselves, could potentially slow down or even stop shaming, or bullying of any sort. If we were taught the tools needed as a human beings to just appreciate one another for what we are, and love ourselves selflessly, without need for approval from others, we could possibly change the world.  Imagine a world were we realize we are imperfect and find beauty in our differences, know those traits make us individuals, and unique and we shouldn't be EMBARRASSED by it. 

    Let's make it a trend to love ourselves and one another. For you see, this article wasn't really about Why some men are afraid to date fat girls? But about understanding that it isn't entirely their fault. They are a product of the environment and if we change the environment for the better, we would all be better.

     Regardless of how much Rob loved me when I was FAT, our relationship is healthier now than ever before. Through this journey, I found myself in my HEALTH and because of it I am a more confident, happy and a whole person. THAT is why our relationship is stronger. Does it help I look better; of course. But because I FEEL better is why my life has changed for the better!

   I hope one day to be able to wake up every morning and truly love myself completely. Throw away my scale and focus on looking HEALTHY and feeling HEALTHY. And that is the point of this blog. Not to fat shame but to promote health!
   I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and are blessed. I hope you share this article in hope that it touches someone else enough to share and make positive changes in their life.

Love you for reading,

                                          PLEASE FOLLOW, SHARE AND COMMENT!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Happy Wed everyone!

   Middle of the week already! WOW! Hope your week is flying by in the best of ways! Today I wanted to add a long list of healthy snacks! You can use them as part of a meal plan or just a part of your healthy eating lifestyle! Hope you enjoy them!


       (All around150 calories each)

1. 15 almonds and 1 cup apple slices
2. 15 almonds and 1 cup strawberries
3. 10 almonds and 1 mozzarella cheese stick
4. 10 almonds and 1 cup of grapes
5. 10 almonds and 3/4 cup blueberries
6. 10 almonds and 1 cup watermelon
7.  1 mozzarella stick and 1 cup grapes
8.  1 mozzarella stick and 1 large boiled egg
9.  1 mozzarella stick, 1/2 cup strawberries and 8 almonds
10. 1 boiled egg and 10 baby carrots and 1 tablespoon hummus
11. 1 medium green pepper, 1 boiled egg, and 1.5 tablespoon hummus
12. 10 baby carrots, 1 tablespoon hummus and 1 mozzarella string cheese stick
13. 6 celery stalks and 1 tablespoon almond or peanut  butter
14. 1 tablespoon almond or peanut butter and 1 cup apples 
15. 1 tablespoon almond or peanut butter and half a large banana
16. 1 multigrain rice cakes with 1 tablespoon nut butter and 1/2 cup apples
17.  2 multigrain rice snacks, 1 tablespoon hummus
18. 1 multigrain rice snack, .5 tablespoon hummus and 1 mozzarella string cheese stick 
 19. 2 multigrain rice snacks, 2 tablespoons tzatziki and 1 cup raspberries 
20. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries and 8 almonds
21. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup strawberries and 8 almonds
22. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 square dark chocolate and 1 cup sliced strawberries
23. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 square dark chocolate and and 8 almonds
24. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 half banana and 1/2 cup blueberries
25. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 8 almonds and 1/2 cup raspberries
26. 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1 cup raspberries
27. 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 3/4 cup blueberries
28. 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1 cup sliced strawberries
29. 6 cups light popcorn 
30. 2 cups light popcorn and 2 squares dark chocolate 


These are just some of the snacks I've made and eaten on my weight loss journey. They have really helped me stay on track, keep and meet my goals!  Hope you like them as much as me! 

Love you for reading, 

Please SHARE, comment and FOLLOW! 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Eat what I eat! Breakfast!

Hey Everyone!

     Hope you are having a great week so far. I am working on a new meal plan for a darling friend which is MUCH larger than the last meal plan I posted on the blog. My hopes is that this next meal plan will not only benefit my friend but all of you! And hopefully provide so many food options, that the meal plan could be used as long as you would like without it getting boring, or at least until I post yet another later on! lol.

    Today I am going to share the breakfast options with you in hopes this can get you started in the right direction until the snack, lunch and dinner options are available!


Breakfast options are all 300 calories

 #1: Spinach and Feta Omelet

2 large eggs
1 large egg white
Nonstick cooking spray
2 cups Spinach
1/4 cup feta
1/8 cup green onions
1 mashed garlic piece
1 piece of bread (50 calories or lower) (Could also be half an English muffin, bagel thin, or wrap as long as under 50 calories)


1.Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray and add Spinach (chopped or whole) , mashed garlic and green onions and, saute for about a minute
2.Whisk eggs and add to pan
4. Add salt, pepper, oregano to taste
3. At this step you can choose to add the feta to the omelet and cook with eggs or wait till omelet is thoroughly cooked and then top with feta cheese.
4. Enjoy with whatever type of under 50 calorie bread you choose.

#2: Veggie Omelet

2 eggs
1 egg white
Nonstick cooking spray
2 cups Spinach chopped
1 mashed garlic piece
basil 1 cup tomato chopped
1/2 cup green peppers chopped
1/4 cup mushrooms chopped
1/4 cup low fat cheddar cheese


1.  Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray and add all veggies and garlic until softened to your preference
2. Add salt, pepper, basil to taste
3. Whisk eggs and add to pan
4. Flip omelet to insure throughough cooking.
5. Top with cheese
6. Serve and enjoy

#3:  Spanish style eggs

1 large egg
2 large egg whites
Nonstick cooking spray
1 cup spinach
1 garlic piece mashed
 salt, pepper, oregano to taste 
1/3 cup cooked black beans
1 cup tomato chopped
1/2 cup onions chopped
1/8 cup cilantro chopped
1 corn tortilla


1.  Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray
2. Saute Spinach, tomato, onions, beans, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano and cilantro until softened (about 2 minutes)
3. Whisk and add eggs, cook throughoughly
4.Toast tortilla in oven or heat in microwave
5. Top all onto of toasted corn tortilla
6. Enjoy

#4: Nut butter and Banana oatmeal

1 cup almond milk
1/3 cup whole oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 banana
1 tablespoon Peanut butter or Almond butter


1. In pan add almond milk and whole oats, bring to a boil
2. Lower heat and simmer until oats are softened
3. Add cinnamon
4. Add banana
5. Top with nut butter
6. Enjoy

# 5: Fruity Oatmeal

1 cup Almond milk
1/2 cup whole oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1/2 tablespoon honey


1. In pan add almond milk and whole oats, bring to a boil
2. Lower heat and simmer until oats are softened
3. Add cinnamon
4. Top with berries and honey
5. Enjoy

#6: Nutty Banana Greek yogurt

1 cup vanilla flavored greek yogurt (lite kind, should be 130 calories a cup no more)
1 small banana
1/4 cup nuts


1. Top Greek yogurt with banana and nuts
2. Enjoy

#7: Berrylicious Greek yogurt

1 cup vanilla flavored greek yogurt (lite kind, should be 130 calories a cup no more)
1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1/4 cup lite granola ( under 100 calories)


1. Top Greek yogurt with berries and granola
2. Enjoy

#8: Turkey melt English muffin

1 light calorie English muffin (100 calories)
1 sunny side up or 1 egg omelet
2 pieces of low sodium deli turkey
1 slice low sodium 2% cheese


1. Toast English muffin
2. Top with egg, turkey and cheese
3. Enjoy

#9: Ham melt English muffin

1 light calorie English muffin (100 calories)
1 sunny side up or 1 egg omelet
2 pieces low sodium deli ham
1 slice low sodium 2% cheese
1 thick tomato slice


1.Toast English muffin
2. Top with egg, ham, cheese, and tomato
3. Enjoy

#10: Nutty waffle

1 healthy waffle brand (nature's way, glutino, etc.) (100 calories)
1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter
1/2 banana or 1 cup strawberries
1/2 tablespoon honey


1.Toast waffle
2. Top with nut butter banana OR berries AND honey.
3. Enjoy

    Hope that some, if not all, of you will get a chance to enjoy this meal plan!!!! If you make any of the recipes please feel free to post pics and reviews!!!!


Love you for reading, 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Do I miss being FAT?

    What in the world kind of title is that for a post??

   I know you are thinking to yourself, "What??? Does she miss being fat? Is that even a serious question?" But hear me out a minute!

    A couple of days ago someone asked me if I thought I would ever go back to being fat? Asking me if I was worried I would ever slip back into my old lifestyle? I, without hesitation, answered quick with a "no, of course not". That person, of course, expected to hear that and that, was left at that.

   It got me thinking though... What would have happened if I would have said, "YES?"

 What if I would of looked at that person and said, "Yes, actually, I CAN see myself being overweight again in the future?"

    Honesty time, being FAT, overweight, obese, although not pleasant to hear, is what I was, and it is just not healthy. It is a big reasons for premature deaths, sicknesses and so much more in our society. I mean we all know the risks that come with being overweight but beside the obvious health reasons,

 Why is it so BAD to be FAT?

  When you are overweight you are not any less of a person but for whatever reason it comes with too many stigmas.

                        Why and HOW did these stigmas get attached to the overweight community?

     I realize it has a lot to do with people's perceptions. Unfortunate, but they drive a lot of what we do and believe as a society. And in this day and age we believe FAT is BAD for more than just the health risks.

   Though I do admit, through these stigmas society gave the FAT community, I was able to grow.

    I worked so hard when I was overweight to be accepted into society and not be thought less of in everything I did. Work, socializing, friendships, relationships, beauty. I mean, I worked my butt off to be the most independent, intelligent, interesting girl you could meet!

   I was overweight for almost all of my life and due to being overweight I gained some of the most amazing  lessons, skills, traits, moments, memories...

I was overweight when my I met my best friends
I was overweight when growing up with my family
I was overweight when my daddy was alive 
I was overweight when I met the love of my life
I was overweight when I became a mother

   Being overweight made me be a better person in a lot of aspects of my life. It helped me empathize with others, love people's adversities, strive for the unattainable, work harder, be better and I carry all of that with me today as healthy Vee. 

   I gained the work ethic I have today through my adversities. And THANKS to that work ethic, I was able to achieve the very reason I have this blog today; weight loss! Gaining weight helped me gain the work ethic I needed to be in SHAPE! Go figure!

    But to answer the question, no, I will never allow myself to go back to that place, I have worked too hard to go back to being overweight. To being as unhealthy as I was. There really are SO many benefits I gained from being healthy that outweigh being FAT. And this weight loss journey has brought me SO much unimaginable JOY and treasures that I would never ever want to trade in for anything.

    That being said, I will from this day forth stop apologizing for what I used to look like because that old me was amazing... And as I continue to know the new me, I continue to grow and love and learn and just add more knowledge to the knowledge gained from my life as a FAT GIRL.

        I was WORTHY all along!!! I just couldn't see that until I stepped out of that FAT girl bubble!

    I wrote this for all the people struggling to love themselves because of their weight, looks, limitations. You are worthy and amazing and regardless what society tells you, you deserve to be treated and reveired for being equally as fantastic! I hope this helps you love yourself and continue the journey to HEALTH not vanity!

I am sharing with you one of my favorite pics of my family. I look at it and think LOVE... I hope to leave you with some love with this blog....

Love you for reading!