Friday, May 30, 2014

Step AWAY from the bread basket: Restaurants

Hi all!!

     The weekend is upon us and with that comes lots of FOOD! Food brings us together and there is nothing wrong with going out and enjoying a nice meal but this meal doesn't have to ruin your weight loss progress. Here are a couple tips on how to survive a restaurant without sabotaging your "diet" ( healthy lifestyle).

1. PLAN ahead!

     Most of the time we know where we are going to dinner before we get there! So plan ahead!! Many restaurants have gotten so incredibly good at posting their menus nutritional values online and even on their actual menus at the restaurant! Most have even gone a step further and added a lighter healthier options menu! YAY! You can look it up online before you go to the restaurant or even on your phone while driving TO the restaurant! It is easy and convenient and really will make you feel empowered while ordering, knowing you are making the right choices!

If you can't find the nutritional value on the restaurant web site check these out:

And even the myfitnesspal app.

All of those sources are really INCREDIBLE! Make them your favorites on your browsers and research them often! You'd be surprised at some of the nutritional value of the foods you love, and relieved that you are informed enough to make better choices!

2. Don't go HUNGRY!

   What??? Don't go hungry to a restaurant??!! How does that work?

   What I mean by that is don't go starving! To the point that you are so hungry you don't care what you eat and everything sounds SO amazing and you start dipping into all the things you promised you were going to avoid! Ever heard of the "Don't go grocery shopping hungry" modo because your bill will be doubled from getting everything you WISH you were eating... Same concept here! Be prepared! Heck! Have a snack before going! Eat an apple or something light that will satisfy your hunger so you aren't blinded by it!

3. DON'T DRINK your calories!

   Again why waste 140 calories on a soda, that is just basically sugar and water! Replace it with a water, 0 calories, and well the best thing on the planet for you essentially! Or even an unsweetened tea of some sort! If you absolutely must have a drink again, PORTION CONTROL applies to drinks as well! Limit yourself to one! And then drink water the rest of the time!

4. STEP AWAY from the bread basket!

    Just don't do it! There is nothing good coming out of that bread basket, well, let me rephrase that nothing good for you,your body and weight loss goal that is, because let's face it, there is LOTS of good stuff in that bread basket, extra delicious tempting stuff actually! But just try and avoid it!

    Here is a good example. A bread stick from the Olive Garden, yeah you know, the ultra delicious ones, those are 140 calories... A PIECE! Not to mention about 26 carbs. But you know what, beside the calories?? How does it make you feel?? Does it make you feel full? NOPE! It makes you crave another! Why not take those calories and put them to good use with a side salad at typically 150 calories per serving. Leaving you much more satisfied and feeling better!


     That extra large bowl of pasta they hand you at a restaurant is NOT a regular portion! It's double, triple the regular amount you should be eating! Try slowing down while eating, take lots of sips of water in between and try to take half or some home. THIS is the hardest part of eating out for me! Because I want to eat it all!!!!! That's why I order from the light menu. 1. I feel better about what I am eating. 2. I can eat the ENTIRE PORTION and not feel guilty 3. I am full and not tempted for dessert... well, have a better handle of the temptation at least! haha


   Dessert is a big down fall to going out! Some how we feel the meal isn't complete without having something sweet! SKIP it, if you can! But ladies and gentlemen, I am a realist! I know we can't live our lives feeling deprived! If you feel you really want dessert. Get dessert, share it! With the whole table, take half home, try to portion out what they give you! Again PORTION control is key!


    This may sound a bit daunting but TRY them! You'd be amazed at how empowered you feel after making the choice to stick to your goal of healthy living and how good your body will feel after!

I really do hope these tips help you this weekend and every weekend!!!


Thank you all!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is FAT holding YOU back?: Parasailing

      I want to start this blog by saying I truly believe there is no definition of what PERFECT looks like, and every shape, size, color, is beautiful. I believe we need to do better job as a society of NOT JUDGING each other and need to stop perpetuating our fears and insecurities on to others, and start practicing tolerance and LOVE for all as our modo.
    That being said I would love to say I was as CONFIDENT as I am now when I was considered overweight. The truth is sometimes I really thought I was, I thought that I owned my weight, that I was happy being heavy and looked amazing but the truth is... I wasn't, my weight OWNED me.

    I wasn't confident, and all those things I said to try to convince myself were said so I could mask all of my INSECURITIES. Again, I am not saying big isn't beautiful, some of the most beautiful women I have ever met are not skinny. Some of my best friends, family, for example. Their beauty is astonishing, really. And you know what, beauty and confidence SHOULD come from the inside, because beauty fades and it is, your true self, what you are left with. Call it cliche due to overuse but it's TRUTH. 

    Did I follow that piece of advice, NO. I never did, and I let my weight hold me back so, so, SO much in my life. So many times I wanted to join the dance team, or the swim team, but DIDN'T. Why??? Easy, because I was OVERWEIGHT. I didn't want to be pin pointed or even remotely try to be the center of attention because even if I would have excelled, let's face it, kids can be CRUEL. Let me rephrase that. PEOPLE can be cruel. 

    So I kept shoving my dreams and aspirations to the back of my mind and tried to forget... The very reason why I did not go to an arts college to pursue my DREAM of being in the theater was because there was no room for someone who looked like me on stage. Puerto Rican decent you may ask? No... that's not it... Curly hair??... Nope try again... FAT???... ding ding din! Just look at the movies you watch and the shows you love, how many of them have any overweight people in them? Worst yet, a FAT girl in them??? So yeah, it held me back. 

    Do all plus size people feel this way??? NO!!! And they shouldn't!!!! Because being overweight is not a SIN! It is NOT a FAULT! But you know what??? Society doesn't make it easy to think that way. And I did feel this way!!!... and I DID let it stop me, too many times. 

    So I got tired and I did something about it... No longer would I let my weight be what kept me back and you know what, I liberated myself ; NO longer will I ever hide behind my weight. That not only has to do with the physical changes but due to this journey I have also become mentally strong!

This weekend I did something I NEVER thought would be possible and ALWAYS dreamt of doing but was too afraid of perceptions to do so when I was overweight and looked like this... 

I went PARASAILING... and it felt AMAZING, I FELT amazing, I can now, due to my journey and changes, finally FLY! 

Hope this helps inspire your journey and let's you believe that ALL your goals are POSSIBLE!!!


Thank you all!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What DOES she eat??? Ice cream!!!!!!

Hi all!

      Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!

     When I started my weight loss journey to be the healthiest version of myself, I found the weekends to be the ABSOLUTE  hardest time to keep up my healthy lifestyle! I have SO much to share with you about how to face the weekend and all of the temptations( drinking, being too busy to work out, barbecues, desserts, etc.) it seems to bring! But right now I want to share with you a product that helps me fight one of my biggest cravings on the planet.... ICE CREAM!

     I mean who doesn't love ice cream! It's sweet, creamy,  delicious on it's own or on top of just about everything.  It's hard to resist that temptation! And trust me! That temptation is around A LOT at my house! Rob loves ice cream and so does my three year old!

How do I FIGHT the ice cream TEMPTATION?

  With this!!!


    I recently discovered Arctic Zero while searching for something that would satisfy my sweet tooth WITHOUT making me feel GUILTY!! And I am so happy that I did!!! They have many flavors. I bought the mint chocolate chip and it is actually really good and did u read the calories? 37!!! Per HALF cup! If u are familiar with ice cream's nutrional information you might be aware that half a cup of regular ice cream can be over 150 calories per half cup easily! 

For me it is never about JUST calories. It's about health first!!  So of course I researched all of the  ingredients and honestly none of them rasied a red flag! But of course feel free to do your own research! I encourage it, it will help u become familar with what is in your food! Another topic I will touch on later! 

Thank you for reading! This was just a quick post on a product I really love that keeps me on track and keeps my sugar craving in check and from falling off of the deep end! Haha  

THANK YOU for reading! SHARE my posts with friends and family or strangers! COMMENT on what you think of the Artic Zone or if you have any questions! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What does SHE know? Getting Started: Journaling


     I hope you are all having a great week and some of you got to try the Green Pancake recipe I posted!!! If you did please post pics and comment on what you thought!?!?!?! Would love to hear from you!!!

    If you caught the post on Calories you should now know a bit about how calories work and how many calories you need to fuel your body properly and still manage to loose weight.


    What should we do with that piece of information?? I have SO much to share with you about food, goals, portion control and so much more coming up! But right not I want to talk to you about something I believe is very IMPORTANT... JOURNALING...

    No, not the "Dear Diary, today I kissed Jake", hide from your parents under the bed kind journal; but rather a food journal!

WHAT IS a food journal??

   A food journal is a place where you keep track of all of the foods/drinks you have consumed that day, week, month, year, etc!

HOW DOES a food journal work??

   Simple really, write down what you ate, how much, and what time of day. Since our PURPOSE for keeping a journal is for weight loss and healthy living you should also include how many calories each item you ate that day had and make sure it reaches YOUR personal calorie intake for that day and try to stick to it WITHOUT going under or over!

WHAT DOES a food journal look like??

   Food journals can look like anything you want them to look like!!! That is the beauty of it! At the end all it needs to do is HELP you keep track of the foods/drinks you are consuming!!! There are lots of templates online for super helpful pages that have all of the categories written down for you already ...

HERE are some examples of what a FOOD JOURNAL can look like:

Those are just some fun examples of what it COULD look like! But you can make it whatever you would like!!


   I personally like to journal through the myfitnesspal app!!! It is the best way for ME because I love the convenience aspect of it!!! I always have my phone on me sooooooo PERFECT combination! Haha! Not to mention that the app is AMAZING! It has everything you need! The app makes it easy for you track what you ate, has a place to search for food calorie information, it has a scanner so you can scan the barcodes on foods, it automatically keeps track of how many calories you have used, and how many you have left according to your calorie intake number, it even has a place where you can create a recipe and see how many calories are in it!! ( MY FAVORITE!!!)

Here is an EXAMPLE of what one of my journals look like on myfitnesspal:

And HERE is an example of a recipe I created! (I WILL BE SHARING IT SOON)! :

   Do I journal all of the time?? No, it is not necessary for me to journal all of the time seeing as I have the tools I need to be able to calculate the calories in foods/drinks in my head.

HOW DO I get these tools?

JOURNALING! and following this blog of course ;).

   The reason why journaling is SO important to this journey is because this journey is supposed to TRANSFORM your LIFE! Get you started on a LIFE long happy relationship with your mind, body and soul! Journaling will not only help you keep track of what you eat and drink but will provide you with the tools you need to be able to KNOW how your body works... KNOW what calories, nutritional information are in most foods you eat, what foods at what times help you get the most results in your WEIGHT LOSS, or what food help you MAINTAIN your weight best, it will help you with portioning and keep you on TRACK!  And all you need to do is journal on a constant basis!

   If you journal NOW in the beginning of your journey, you will ultimately get to your GOAL and not need to journal as often because YOU are now your greatest tool! YOUR brain will have all the tools you need to know to help maintain your weight and journey!

 You will now just BE HEALTHY, it will be YOUR NATURE!

   I hope you enjoyed this post!! I have SO much more to share with you and help you get started, help you maintain, funny stories and RECIPES galore!!!! Please comment, please FOLLOW, and please please SHARE SHARE SHARE! I would love to be able to help and touch those who need help, a friend, encouragement or just a listening ear!!! I want to help you have your very own


                                                   (My before 2010 and after 2014!)

SHARE ALL!!! Thank you !!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Green Pancakes! So so SO easy!

Hey everyone!!!!

I am SO excited about this recipe!! I am always looking for new and delicious things to mix into my healthy pancake concoctions and I couldn't believe I had never used SPINACH! SO here they are! And only 273 calories for the ENTIRE stack (not including toppings)!!!!


Now I know what you are thinking! WHY in the WORLD would I want to SPINACH in my pancakes! Just take my word for this one... you can't even taste the spinach! And it just kicks up the nutrition aspect all that much! 


1/2 cup oats (can be quick cooking or whole)
1/3 cup almond milk
1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese
1-2 cups spinach
Cinnamon to taste (optional)
Stevia to taste (optional)


1. Put all ingredients in a blender

2. Let mix sit for about at least five minutes to let mixture thicken

3. Prepare pancakes as usual

4. Pancakes will be a little flat and I personally prefer them a bit gooey like a cookie.

And that's it!!!! SO EASY! Enjoy!


Calories: 272, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 34g, Fiber: 6g Protein:18g

Side note:

You can top the pancakes with whatever you would like. At that point take into consideration the nutritional values will change. I added a quick strawberry, blueberry syrup I made

Blueberry, Strawberry "SYRUP" RECIPE:


4 Strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 cup water
Stevia to taste...


1. Mash berries

2. Add water and berries to a pan and boil

3. Reduce to a simmer and wait till mix thickens (about 15 mins)



Calories: 33, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 8g, Fiber: 2g, Protein: .5g


Monday, May 19, 2014

Sweet and Savory turkey roll up!

    So this is one of my FAVORITE snacks! Hope you like it.

Sweet and Savory turkey roll up!


1oz (About two slices) low sodium deli turkey
.5oz (1 tbsp) soft spread goat cheese
1tsp (1 or 2) chopped walnuts
1 tbsp craisins (I used cherry flavored)


1. Spread half of the goat cheese on turkey slice

2. Top goat cheese with half tsp walnuts and half tbsp of craisins

3. Roll up turkey slice

4. Repeat with the rest of the ingredients

5. Enjoy!!


Calories: 135 Fat: 7g Carbs: 9g Protein:11 Fiber: 2g Sugar: 7g


Goat cheese: Any soft cheese spread... be mindful that the calorie and nutritional values will be different. I really like the laughing cow wedges.

Turkey: If you don't eat meat this could be easily substituted with lettuce and turned into a wrap or topped on crackers. At that point the calorie intake would be different.

What does SHE know? Getting started: Calories

    So you are all pumped to get started!

  Thinking about how AWESOME you are going feel, how your health will finally be stable.  No more knee aches, back aches, head aches due to weight loss! Thinking about how awesome you are going to look when you get to your goal! Thinking about all the cute CLOTHES you will wear, the new hair cut you are going to get, that bathing suit you have always dreamed of wearing will FINALLY be hanging in your closet and better yet looking awesome on your body! Ok! Great! You go to start your new lifestyle and realize...


Oh, well, I can help with that!

Now you are probably thinking, what does SHE know?! That's easy...

One word... SUCCESS!

                                             (Me at my biggest 280 lbs, Me currently 2014)

   The same success I want for EACH and every one of you! I want to be your tour guide through this complicated but REWARDING lifestyle.

   I have to admit there is nothing that gets under my skin more than when people who have NO IDEA how HARD weight loss really is, say it's so simple! Ummmm excuse me?? WRONG! It takes SO much! Discipline, will power, determination, motivation, inspiration... I really could go on! Remember, even if you haven't lost one pound yet, YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR for even beginning this journey!

   Today I am going to share some of what I know about CALORIES... Dunnn dunnn dunnnnnnnn!

   I know, terrifying word? Or is it? The truth is most of don't even know what a calorie is, let alone what is does, and if we should even be afraid of them?

   A calorie is a unit of energy. The definition can be a lot more complicated but in regard to the body it is the following...
  The amount of calories in a food/ drink is basically a way of describing how much energy your body could get from consuming it. Easiest analogy I can think of is ... Think of your body like a car.... food/drinks are the GAS that gets it going!

   The reason it's IMPORTANT to know about calories is so that you are NOT AFRAID of them... and you think of food as your fuel and how you have to fuel it well!

   If you consume more calories (energy) than your body can burn off or use it gets stored as FAT, just in case you need it later, hahah (if I could invent a way to bypass that step, I'd be a gazillionare!) ... BUT because your body STORES FAT, that my friends is why your jeans have a hard time buckling!

   You have to reduce how many calories you are consuming now so that it's less than the calories you burn... that way your body HAS to start burning the FAT it's storing for energy! YAY!!!


   That is a great question, there is actually an equation and many factors (age, weight, height, activity level) to the number....BUT luckily you don't have to do math in order to get the answer to how many calories you need to consume!! They have all kinds of calculators online!!! YAY!! And PHEW to not having to do math! haha

   SO.... Here are two of my favorite, SIMPLE, QUICK and handy tools I use to calculate how many calories I need.

   This site has a SUPER easy calorie estimator, it's free and you DO NOT have to sign up to get the number of calories you need! GREAT tool!

  And my favorite:


   Most of us are always by our phones! So what better way than to have a calorie intake calculator and tracker with you! This app is great!

   Tomorrow I will share more on my GETTING STARTED series about the how to's to counting calories, journaling, goals and rewarding yourself! DON'T MISS IT!!!!

   Hope this helps you get started in the right direction! PLEASE SHARE if you like what I'm saying!!!! Please FOLLOW, comment and share your story with me!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Hey, YOU! Come in closer.... closerrrr... closssseeerrrrrr 


We are all cheat! On our diet that is! haha! See what I did there! 

Last night we went to a coal oven fired pizza place and GUESS WHAT? I had pizza AND here is the kicker DESSERT!!! 

When I first started loosing weight I used to be TERRIFIED of food... and you know what in some aspects it's good to be ultra aware of what you are putting in your body, it helps you stay focus but I very soon realized. 


What I mean by that is that you don't have to confined to JUST healthy eating and completely cut out pizza or burgers or ice cream! BUT here is the one of the keys to success!!! 


I will say it until I'm blue in the face... do not let your cheat meal, splurge meal, reward, sneak meal, happy meal, whatever you call it... DO NOT let it turn into a cheat day... worse a cheat week, cheat month! You get where I am going with this! Limit how often you are eating this way.

Do not give the power to your food, but realize that YOU HAVE THE POWER OVER FOOD, make the conscious CHOICE to have a splurge meal! 

But most importantly CHOOSE to continue to make healthy and happy choices there after. That is the on of the keys to SUCCESS, to have a healthy enough relationship with food to where you don't feel it has power over you, but you having constant POWER... WILL power! 

Now here is the thing... IT'S OK to have gained a little bit of weight off of your splurge meal! I SAY this with a HEAVY grain of salt... because this is my biggest problem! The overwhelming GUILT to have had such a non healthy, high calorie, high fat, high sugar, you name it meal after so much HARD work!!!!!... BUT it really will be ok! One meal a week will not deter your success if you choose to have one. It will can and might slow down your progress though!! 

So u have to MENTALLY prepare yourself for understanding that if you choose to have that splurge meal, you MUST know your body and how far you can push it!!!! 

BUT FAT FREE VEE?????... how do I know my limits????? 

GREAT question! This week I am kicking off my "What the HECK do YOU know series, Getting started!" 

I will teach you invaluable tools to get started on this healthy living/ weight loss journey with the right tools, tips and tricks to master the fundamentals of this lifestyle, getting to know your body and how what your limits are!!! Teaching you all that I can about what I've learned to help get you from 


                                                (Me at my brother's graduation May 2010)

to THIS: 
(From left to right: My mommy, my brother and ME fat free vee at my brother's banquet May 2014)

PLEASE FOLLOW! Thank you all!!! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

326 calorie, Pumpkin Pie QUINOA!


Pumpkin Pie Quinoa!

This taste JUST like pumpkin Pie filling! I adapted the recipe from an overnight pumpkin pie oatmeal I made once which was AMAZING and since quinoa is so amazingly yummy I decided to give it a shot! ENJOY!!


2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1/3 cup quinoa
1/2 cup pumpkin puree

A pinch of salt
Cinnamon to taste 
Pumpkin spice to taste
Stevia to taste

Whole natural almonds (optional)

(For those of you just starting to cook, to taste, means to your liking. Add the ingredient to what taste good to you, no real measuring needed. You will typically only see this with spices.)

1. Cook quinoa according to cooking times on the packaging in one cup of the almond milk.

2. Be sure to add a little more almond milk if needed so the quinoa doesn't dry out while cooking. 

3. Once the quinoa is cooked add the pumpkin puree along with the rest of the almond milk, along with salt, cinnamon, pumpkin spice and stevia, all to taste.

4. ( Optional) Chop almonds and sprinkle on top of quinoa.

The entire recipe is JUST 326 CALORIES PEOPLE not including the almonds!!! VICTORY!!! 52g Carbs, 9g fiber, 4g sugar, 12g protein.(15 almonds is around 100 calories if you want to add as a topping and still keep the breakfast well under 500 calories while adding more protein and healthy fats! 52g Carbs, 9g fiber, 4g sugar, 12g protein.)

Who ARE you?

    Who the heck am I!!???

   Why in the world do I have a blog? They give those thing to anyone now a days huh? lol

   HI! My name is Veronica! And I've lost a CRAP load of weight. 140 pounds to be exact. The picture above is one of my before and afters!

   I was BIG, FAT, CHUBBY, LARGE, BIG BONED, THICK, you name it... my entire life and just felt like the outside didn't match the inside. I felt completely held back by my weight. I felt others treated me differently due to my size and had to deal with SOOO many stigmas! And not to mention how CRUEL people are! Man, it is ROUGH out there for a big girl!

    I now have a blog because I'm sooooo sick of seeing articles in magazines that show one healthy recipe and a single article on how wonderful a weight loss journey can be! Yes, it can!!!! I AM PROOF! But I am here to keep it real by letting you know the ugly, lovely truth about weight loss! According to me anyway! hahah

    I just wanted to create a place where people could come and laugh, scream, share, yell and post about weight loss! A place that could HELP someone who is just starting and totally LOST! Or help someone who is soooo stuck in a PLATEAU they are about to quit! Or help that girl who has lost a bunnnch of weight and still feels FAT!

    WE ALL HAVE INSECURITIES about ourselves! I created a blog to keep it real while keeping it optimistic! To whine about the calories in WINE while drinking a glass of it! To get tips that AREN'T impossible and recipes that DON'T take a master chef to prepare!

   We have to live life realistically while trying to change it! THIS should be a lifestyle change you can STICK TO! Not a diet that you can't keep on forever. It's time to transform our BODIES, our MINDS and SOULS people!!!

    I started this journey originally for my family, specifically my son and my boyfriend. I wanted to be a kick BUTT mom to my son, who is my world, by not having ANY limits on LIFE. And of course for my boyfriend as well, bless his soul, having to deal with my insecurities was a full time job for him back then!

    BUT what I learned is that YOU NEED to do this for YOU! And the world WILL fall into place along with it!

   So let's DO THIS!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weight loss is HARD!


Yes! It is! Those people who say it's not annoy me!!! haha

   I know from experience it's hard seeing as I've lost 140 pounds in a little less than three years. Buuuuuttt good news! Although hard, it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE! And the RESULTS are so FUN! Like seeing your dress size go from a 24 to a 6, as mine did! OH YEAH! That's really FUN! 

Seeing your before and afters like this one for me!!! THAT'S FUN!

   You are probably thinking, "Yeah, Yeah, she probably doesn't eat." or "She probably had surgery or follows an impossible diet." and "Three years! That is wayyyyyyy too long!"

   To that I say I LOVE to eat! I did it all on my OWN with every day foods! And hey, the TIME will PASS whether you are loosing weight or not!

   SO now that you are motivated! HA! Follow me on this crazy roller coaster that is weight loss with my new blog! In the last three years I have cried, a lot, laughed, been FRUSTRATED, battled PLATEUS, been hungry, been full, binge ate, not eaten enough, SCREAMED, have made delicious recipes and equally as terrible ones, all while trying to perfect this thing called weight loss! And GUESS WHAT! I'm STILL working on it!

    My ultimate goal is to loose 150 pounds and these last 10 pounds have been the most difficult! Come along with me while I try to hit my goal and share awesome tips, tricks, recipes and maybe some stories that will inspire you! At the end of the day I started this journey to be healthy and STOP feeling like crap when I looked in the mirror when those skinny jeans failed to do their job and make me look skinny! I did this for me and for my family! Do it for YOU! I promise you YOU CAN DO IT! Follow me and I'll tell you more about how I did it and try to share all I know with you!!