Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Set back? Move on and stop feeling FAT!

           I woke up today and got on the scale and I was FIVE pounds heavier at 143 than I was at my skinniest 138 (a month ago). I instantly felt down, sad, angry, depressed, mad and really, really, REALLY fat!

    I started thinking of all the things that I had done WRONG the day before, the week before. I was mad at myself for eating dinner so late and not watching my portions, mad at skipping my exercise routine and being so WEAK....

    I mentioned it to Rob (my boyfriend of nine years and father of our child) and he once again was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe that after all this time and all this work and all this SUCCESS and 140 pounds gone that I could seriously be so negative toward myself. That I could look at myself as anything else but amazing? That I once weighed 280 pounds and now was SAD that I was 143, when in my wildest DREAMS, I would have never imagined being this small. SO this really got me thinking. It made me think of one of my favorite quotes:

    To reduce depression, and anxiety to merely the past and the present may seem absurd to some but to me it makes perfect sense in terms of my journey! Too often I find myself depressed due to TODAY not being as skinny as I was YESTERDAY and anxious because I feel I will never get to 129 in the FUTURE.... Where in there do I leave time to enjoy the present? When do I give myself time to live in the NOW and be grateful for where I am today? 

    Can YOU relate to this? Does this resonate with you? Do you feel depressed because you aren't where you where once? Anxious because you don't seem to be getting where you want to be in the future fast enough? 

     Let's take a minute to realize, that where you are TODAY is beautiful, and the now will only be here, well, NOW.  That today, will be the past tomorrow. And the future, that is tomorrow, will be the present way too soon! 

    It took some serious me time and prayer and meditation to snap myself out of this negative attitude I woke up with and some serious reflection to realize how absolutely ridiculous I was being. That I am human and worth so much more than five pounds on the scale. But I did.

    Are you STUCK within your diet? Are you at a place where you are depressed and anxious? CUT yourself a break and realize you can always just move forward and keep right on your journey regardless of your SET BACKS. WE ALL HAVE THEM! They are extremely common when trying to get to a goal, especially a weight loss goal; but hardly anything worth having comes easy! And that hard work and those set backs are what will make the VICTORY that much sweeter. 

    Those set backs will help you become the person you want to be! Not only physically by helping you push your body beyond limits you thought impossible, but mentally, you will KNOW that you faced hard times and WON the battle that is WEIGHT LOSS and healthy living! 

    SO, STOP wasting time on being overly critical because pouting doesn't create RESULTS! Instead realize you are human and you stumbled, get back up and WALK TALLER, stronger and more confident knowing you had a disappointment and decide to KEEP GOING instead of quitting! 

And remember to keep those BEFORE AND AFTER's handy!:



  1. I feel like this waaaaaay too often... But unfortunately what kills me most is the motivation. Some days I could move mountains, and then next, I can't move the cat. It's tough when you feel like your brain and your body are always against each other! I think this is my biggest struggle... That, and the fact that I keep making excuses for myself.
    I'm totally frustrated that I'm not where I used to be, but mostly because I KNOW I can be there with some effort.
    However, you have worked waaaay to not give yourself some wiggle room. You are beautiful no matter what and stressing about it, will only make it stay! Btw, thanks for the constant encouragement and inspiration! If you can do it, so can I!

  2. It's not just you darling. This happens to every one! I know from experience. Sometimes we start the day so motivated and by the end of the day we are so frustrated because it did not go according to plan. Or we beat ourselves up for letting our cravings or laziness get in the way. But the beautiful thing is when we don't give up and keep trying! I read somewhere," Giving up on your goal because of a bad day, is like getting a flat tire and slashing the other three." We all have bad days, shoot, bad weeks! But we have to keep moving forward because dwindling in the past won't move you forward and living in the future won't let you enjoy the present! Don't get frustrated! Make your bad days motivation! I love you! and HECK YES, If I can do it, so can you!!!!!!
